
動畫短片: Father and Daughter

( 網站上的mov影片大約只有一半的內容, 如果想要看到完整版的話, 請看下面的ps, 至於找不到完整版的人, 就別浪費時間忽略這篇文章吧. )

影片長度: 8"30'
年代: 2000
Director: Michael Dudok de Wit
Independent Film Award, Ottawa International Animation Festival, 2000;
Grand Prize, Cinanima Animation Festival, 2000;
Grand Prix Narrative Films, Holland Animation Film Festival, 2000;
Best International Animated Film, Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, 2001

A father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. As the wide Dutch landscapes live through their seasons so the girl lives through hers. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes old, yet within her there is always a deep longing for her father.

Father and Daughter is a film about longing, the kind of longing which quietly, yet totally, affects our lives.
-- Michael Dudok de Wit

在影片一開始, 父親離開了女兒, 留下她一個人, 女兒單純地等待, 時間過去了, 滄海桑田, 乾涸的河流長滿了比人還高大的長草, 女兒只是一直地等待, 終至年邁, 才忍不住往海的另一面走去, 他發現了那艘父親的小船, 也重新發現了他的童年.

1. 楔子: 父親離開女兒, 前往不知名的遠方, 留下日夜等待的女兒, 經常前往分手的海邊瞭望等待

2. 盼望, 渴望: 女兒殷切盼望, 父親能回來, 回到她的童年的時光

3. 堅持: 女兒從年幼到老邁, 堅定信念前往分手的海邊等待

4. 流光: 時光飛逝 滄海桑田, 把握光陰

5. 分享: 縱使女兒結婚生子, 也不能跟最親密的人分享她內心的渴望

6. 哀戚: 手風琴的音樂配合主角淡淡的哀戚

U may try get the complete version of the animation in "emule".

