
DSP 應用

數位音樂合成 digital music synthesis、數位語音合成 digital speech synthesis、數位語音辨識 digital speech recognition

數位音樂合成 digital music synthesis



音樂的基本構成要素:音高 pitch、節拍 beats、節奏 tempo

聲音的高低稱為音高 pitch,唱名:Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Si,對應的英語音名:C, D, E, F, G, A, B

鋼琴鍵盤的排列方式,是依照音高的順序,以中央 C 為基準向左右延伸,兩個相同音名鍵盤之間,有 8 個鍵盤,因此稱為八度音 octave。相鄰白鍵是相差一個全音,相鄰的白鍵與黑鍵,相差一個半音。


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C 16.352 (−48) 32.703 (−36) 65.406 (−24) 130.81 (−12) 261.63 (0) 523.25 (+12) 1046.5 (+24) 2093.0 (+36) 4186.0 (+48) 8372.0 (+60)
C♯/D♭ 17.324 (−47) 34.648 (−35) 69.296 (−23) 138.59 (−11) 277.18 (+1) 554.37 (+13) 1108.7 (+25) 2217.5 (+37) 4434.9 (+49) 8869.8 (+61)
D 18.354 (−46) 36.708 (−34) 73.416 (−22) 146.83 (−10) 293.66 (+2) 587.33 (+14) 1174.7 (+26) 2349.3 (+38) 4698.6 (+50) 9397.3 (+62)
D♯/E♭ 19.445 (−45) 38.891 (−33) 77.782 (−21) 155.56 (−9) 311.13 (+3) 622.25 (+15) 1244.5 (+27) 2489.0 (+39) 4978.0 (+51) 9956.1 (+63)
E 20.602 (−44) 41.203 (−32) 82.407 (−20) 164.81 (−8) 329.63 (+4) 659.26 (+16) 1318.5 (+28) 2637.0 (+40) 5274.0 (+52) 10548 (+64)
F 21.827 (−43) 43.654 (−31) 87.307 (−19) 174.61 (−7) 349.23 (+5) 698.46 (+17) 1396.9 (+29) 2793.8 (+41) 5587.7 (+53) 11175 (+65)
F♯/G♭ 23.125 (−42) 46.249 (−30) 92.499 (−18) 185.00 (−6) 369.99 (+6) 739.99 (+18) 1480.0 (+30) 2960.0 (+42) 5919.9 (+54) 11840 (+66)
G 24.500 (−41) 48.999 (−29) 97.999 (−17) 196.00 (−5) 392.00 (+7) 783.99 (+19) 1568.0 (+31) 3136.0 (+43) 6271.9 (+55) 12544 (+67)
G♯/A♭ 25.957 (−40) 51.913 (−28) 103.83 (−16) 207.65 (−4) 415.30 (+8) 830.61 (+20) 1661.2 (+32) 3322.4 (+44) 6644.9 (+56) 13290 (+68)
A 27.500 (−39) 55.000 (−27) 110.00 (−15) 220.00 (−3) 440.00 (+9) 880.00 (+21) 1760.0 (+33) 3520.0 (+45) 7040.0 (+57) 14080 (+69)
A♯/B♭ 29.135 (−38) 58.270 (−26) 116.54 (−14) 233.08 (−2) 466.16 (+10) 932.33 (+22) 1864.7 (+34) 3729.3 (+46) 7458.6 (+58) 14917 (+70)
B 30.868 (−37) 61.735 (−25) 123.47 (−13) 246.94 (−1) 493.88 (+11) 987.77 (+23) 1975.5 (+35) 3951.1 (+47) 7902.1 (+59) 15804 (+71)

樂曲中,每一個音都有自己的節拍 beats,代表這個音的時間長短,在五線譜中,節拍是用 音符 notes 表示,包含:全音符、二分音符、四分音符等等。ex: 五線譜中的拍號為 C 或 4/4,代表每一個小節有 4 拍,全音符代表這個音佔滿整個小節,因此為 4 拍,二分音符是全音符的一半,是 2 拍

另一個元素是節奏 tempo,就是音樂的快慢或速度。目前節奏通常是以每分鐘的節拍數 beats per minutes 決定。音樂的節奏包含:慢板、行板、中板、快板,與音樂要表達的情感有關。


import numpy as np
import wave
import struct

# 音符:音高 pitch + 節拍 beat
def note( pitch, beat ):
    fs = 44000
    amplitude = 30000
    # C, D, E, F, G, A, B 的頻率
    frequency = np.array( [ 261.6, 293.7, 329.6, 349.2, 392.0, 440.0, 493.9 ] )
    num_samples = beat * fs

    t = np.linspace( 0, beat, num_samples, endpoint = False )
    # 淡出效果
    a = np.linspace( 0, 1, num_samples, endpoint = False )

    # 弦波
    x = amplitude * a * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * frequency[ pitch - 1 ] * t )
    return x

def main():
    file = "little_bee.wav" # 檔案名稱

    # 音高 pitch
    pitches = np.array( [ 5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5,    \
                          5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5, 5, 3,          \
                          2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, \
                          5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5, 5, 1 ] )

    # 節拍 beat
    beats = np.array( [ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,    \
                        1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4,          \
                        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, \
                        1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ] )

    tempo = 0.5                 # 節奏(每拍0.5秒)
    fs = 44000

    # 時間總長度 = 節拍總和 * 節奏
    duration = sum( beats ) * tempo
    # 總樣本數 = 時間總長度 * 頻率
    num_samples = int( duration * fs )

    num_channels = 1            # 通道數
    samwidth = 2                # 樣本寬度
    num_frames = num_samples    # 音框數 = 樣本數
    comptype = "NONE"           # 壓縮型態
    compname = "not compressed" # 無壓縮

    num_notes = np.size( pitches )

    y = np.array( [ ] )
    for i in range( num_notes ):
        x = note( pitches[i], beats[i] * tempo )
        y = np.append( y, x )

    wav_file = wave.open( file, 'w' )
    wav_file.setparams(( num_channels, samwidth, fs, num_frames, comptype, compname ))

    for s in y:
        wav_file.writeframes( struct.pack( 'h', int( s ) ) )

    wav_file.close( )


數位語音合成 digital speech synthesis

也就是 TTS, Text to Speech 的技術。

python 套件

  • Pyttsx Text to Speech
  • gTTS Text to Speech
  • eSpeak

數位語音辨識 digital speech recognition

Speech To Text

發展的技術:隱藏式馬可夫模型(Hidden Markov Models)、動態時間扭曲(Dynamic Time Warping, DTW)、人工神經網路(Artificial Neural Networks)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)、點對點自動語音辨識 (End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition)。語音辨識率的準確度受到許多因素影響:雜訊、男生/女生、成人/兒童、口音、語意

新的人工智慧技術:遞迴神經網路 (Recurrent Neural Network, RNN),同時結合長短期記憶 (Long-Short Term Memory, LSTM)的技術最具代表性。AI 技術將成為語音辨識的主流

python 語音辨識 library: SpeechRecognition,支援許多 engines/apis

  • CMU Sphinx
  • Google Speech Recognition
  • Google Cloud Speech API
  • Wit.ai
  • Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition
  • Houndify API
  • IBM Speech to Txt
  • Snowboy Hotword Detection



