
Scheme Tutorial 4

Defining Syntax

自訂語法稱為 macro。

macro 是程式碼的代換,程式碼在被求值或編譯前,先進行替換,然後再繼續執行。

scheme 可使用符合 R5RS 規範的 syntax-rules 定義 macro,這個方式比 Common Lisp 簡單,使用 syntax-rules 可直接定義 macro ,而不需要擔心 variable capture 的問題。但 scheme 如果要定義複雜的 macro 就比 Common Lisp 困難。

ex: 一個將變數賦值為'()的 macro

syntax-rules 中第二個參數是變換前和變化後的表達式的序對所構成的表。 _ 代表 macro 的名字。這個 macro 會讓 (nil! x)會變換為(set! x '())

(define-syntax nil!
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x)
     (set! x '()))))

因為 closure 的問題,這種程式不能用函數來實作,函數不能影響外部變數。

(define (f-nil! x)
   (set! x '()))
(define a 1)
;Value: a

(f-nil! a)
;Value: 1

;Value: 1           ; the value of a dose not change

ex: 編寫 macro: when,當謂詞求值為真時,求值相應語句

... 代表任意數量的 expressions。

以下的程式,會將 (when pred b1 ...)變換為(if pred (begin b1 ...))

(define-syntax when
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (if pred (begin b1 ...)))))

因為這個 macro 是將 expression 變換為 if,因此不能用函數來實作,以下是使用 when 的範例

(let ((i 0))
  (when (= i 0)
    (display "i == 0")

i == 0
;Unspecified return value

ex: 編寫 macro: while, for

(define-syntax while
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (let loop () (when pred b1 ... (loop))))))

(define-syntax for
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (i from to) b1 ...)
     (let loop((i from))
       (when (< i to)
      b1 ...
      (loop (1+ i)))))))


(let ((i 0))
  (while (< i 10)
    (display i)
    (display #\Space)
    (set! i (+ i 1))))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
;Unspecified return value

(for (i 0 10)
  (display i)
  (display #\Space))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
;Unspecified return value

ex: 編寫 when 的相反,當謂詞求值為假時執行相應的表達式

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (if (not pred)
       b1 ...)))))

同時定義多個 macro 模式

incf 可讓變數數值增加,如果沒有增加數量的參數,就直接 +1

(define-syntax incf
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x))
    ((_ x i) (begin (set! x (+ x i)) x))))

(let ((i 0) (j 0))
  (incf i)
  (incf j 3)
  (display (list 'i '= i))
  (display (list 'j '= j)))
(i = 1)
(j = 3)
;Unspecified return value

ex: 編寫 decf

(define-syntax decf
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x) (begin (set! x (- x 1)) x))
    ((_ x i) (begin (set! x (- x i)) x))))

ex: 改進 for,可接受參數 step size,如沒有該參數,step size 為 1

(define-syntax for
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (i from to) b1 ...)
     (let loop((i from))
       (when (< i to)
      b1 ...
      (loop (1+ i)))))
    ((_ (i from to step) b1 ...)
     (let loop ((i from))
       (when (< i to)
      b1 ...
      (loop (+ i step)))))))

遞迴定義 macro

or 與 and 是透過遞迴定義

(define-syntax my-and
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) #t)
    ((_ e) e)
    ((_ e1 e2 ...)
     (if e1
     (my-and e2 ...)

(define-syntax my-or
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) #f)
    ((_ e) e)
    ((_ e1 e2 ...)
     (let ((t e1))
       (if t t (my-or e2 ...))))))

ex: 定義 let*

(define-syntax my-let*
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ ((p v)) b ...)
     (let ((p v)) b ...))
    ((_ ((p1 v1) (p2 v2) ...) b ...)
     (let ((p1 v1))
       (my-let* ((p2 v2) ...)
        b ...)))))


syntax-rule 的第一個參數是保留字的 list,例如 cond 的定義中, else 是保留字

(define-syntax my-cond
  (syntax-rules (else)
    ((_ (else e1 ...))
     (begin e1 ...))
    ((_ (e1 e2 ...))
     (when e1 e2 ...))
    ((_ (e1 e2 ...) c1 ...)
     (if e1 
     (begin e2 ...)
     (cond c1 ...)))))

local syntax

scheme 可使用 let-syntax, leterc-syntax 定義 local syntax,這種形式的用法跟 define-syntax 類似

相依於 macro 定義的實作

有些 macro 無法用 syntax-rules 實作,但在不同的 scheme implementation 裡面有其他定義這種 macro 的方法。例如 MIT-scheme 的 sc-macro-transformer,可讓使用者用跟 Common Lisp 相似的方法實作 macro,` 以及 ,@的要參考 Common Lisp HyperSpec

ex: show-vars用於顯示變數的值

(define-syntax show-vars
    (lambda (exp env)
      (let ((vars (cdr exp)))
                  ,@(map (lambda (v)
                            (let ((w (make-syntactic-closure env '() v)))
                                 `(list ',w ,w)))

(let ((i 1) (j 3) (k 7))
  (show-vars i j k))
((i 1) (j 3) (k 7))
;Unspecified return value

ex: random-choice被用於從參數中隨機選擇一個值或者過程

(define-syntax random-choice
   (lambda (exp env)
     (let ((i -1))
       `(case (random ,(length (cdr exp)))
      ,@(map (lambda (x)
           `((,(incf i)) ,(make-syntactic-closure env '() x)))
         (cdr exp)))))))

(define (turn-right) 'right)
(define (turn-left) 'left)
(define (go-ahead) 'straight)
(define (stop) 'stop)

(random-choice (turn-right) (turn-left) (go-ahead) (stop))
;Value: right


(case (random 4)
  ((0) (turn-right))
  ((1) (turn-left))
  ((2) (go-ahead))
  ((3) (stop)))

ex: anaphoric macro,謂詞的結果可以被指為it。變量it被捕獲,以使得第二個參數make-syntactic-closure變為'(it)

(define-syntax aif
   (lambda (exp env)
     (let ((test (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (second exp)))
       (cthen (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (third exp)))
       (celse (if (pair? (cdddr exp))
              (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (fourth exp))
       `(let ((it ,test))
      (if it ,cthen ,celse))))))

(let ((i 4))
  (aif (memv i '(2 4 6 8))
       (car it)))
;Value: 4


(let ((it (memv i '(2 4 6 8))))
  (if it
      (car it)


Continuation 這是 scheme 特有的資料型別,其他程式語言沒有實作這種資料型別。

Continuation 的一般定義

Continuation 是回到 Top Level 以前,所需要執行的運算。例如 (* 3 (+ 1 2)),在求值 (+ 1 2)後,應該計算{ (* 3 []) } 乘以3,但是大部分的程式語言都不支援這樣的語法。


CPS 是一種 programming style,這會將目前函數結果的後續函數,作為參數傳給現在的函數。

ex: CPS style 的加法與乘法

(define (return x)

(define (k+ a b k)
  (k (+ a b)))

(define (k* a b k)
  (k (* a b)))

; 計算 (* 3 (+ 1 2))
(k+ 1 2 (lambda (x) (k* x 3 return)))

Scheme的普通形式中,值在括號內被計算並向括號外傳遞。但 CPS 與此相反,值向括號內傳遞。上面的例子中,k+(+ 1 2)的值傳遞給(lambda (x) (k* x 3 return)),而k*(* (+ 1 2) 3)的結果傳給return

以 CPS 方式撰寫遞迴函數

;;; normal factorial
(define (fact n)
  (if (= n 1)
      (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

;;; CPS factorial
(define (kfact n k)
  (if (= n 1)
      (k 1)
      (kfact (- n 1) (lambda (x) (k (* n x))))))

; 3 + 4!
(+ 3 (fact 4))
;Value: 27

(kfact 4 (lambda (x) (k+ x 3 return)))
;Value: 27

ex: 用普通方式和CPS編寫計算表中元素之積的函數。在CPS函數中,後繼函數儲存在局部變量break中,因此當元素乘以0時,可以立即退出。

;;; normal
(define (product ls)
  (let loop ((ls ls) (acc 1))
     ((null? ls) acc)
     ((zero? (car ls)) 0)
     (else (loop (cdr ls) (* (car ls) acc))))))

;;; CPS
(define (kproduct ls k)
  (let ((break k))
    (let loop ((ls ls) (k k))
       ((null? ls) (k 1))
       ((zero? (car ls)) (break 0))
       (else (loop (cdr ls) (lambda (x) (k (* (car ls) x)))))))))

(+ 100 (product '(2 4 7)))
;Value: 156

(kproduct '(2 4 7) (lambda (x) (k+ x 100 return)))
;Value: 156

CPS 在這樣的例子中並不實用,但在 natural language parsing 與 logical programming 很有用。因 CPS 可靈活改變後續的過程。

exception handling

kproduct 的錯誤處理版本,當 list 出現非數字時,計算會終止

(define (non-number-value-error x)
  (display "Value error: ")
  (display  x)
  (display " is not number.")

(define (kproduct ls k k-value-error)
  (let ((break k))
    (let loop ((ls ls) (k k))
       ((null? ls) (k 1))
       ((not (number? (car ls))) (k-value-error (car ls)))
       ((zero? (car ls)) (break 0))
       (else (loop (cdr ls) (lambda (x) (k (* (car ls) x)))))))))

(kproduct '(2 4 7)
      (lambda (x) (k+ x 100 return))
;Value: 156

(kproduct '(2 4 7 hoge)
      (lambda (x) (k+ x 100 return))
Value error: hoge is not number.
;Value: error

Scheme 的 Continuation

Continuation 有以下特性

  1. 存在於整個計算過程中
  2. 函數式程序設計語言和CPS可以顯式地處理它

Scheme 將 Continuation 以 first class object 實作,這是普通的資料型別。任何時候都可以呼叫call-with-current-continuation。由於繼續是普通數據類型,你可以隨心所欲地重用。考慮到call-with-current-continuation名字過長,通常使用其縮名call/cc

(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)

函數call-with-current-continuation (call/cc)接受一個參數。該參數是一個函數,函數的參數接收當前繼續。

; 沒有呼叫 continuation,跟一般 S-expression 一樣
(* 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 1 2))))
;Value: 9

; 有使用 continuation,參數跳過了 call/cc 的處理,escape 到 call/cc 的外面
; k是一個一元函數,等同於 (lambda (x) (* 3 x))
(* 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 1 (k 2)))))
;Value: 6

目前的 continuation 可以像其它數據類型那樣被儲存起來,並隨心所欲地重用。由於目前的 continuation 是回到頂層的處理過程,它的返回會忽略周圍的S-表達式

(define cc)
  (* 3 (call/cc (lambda (k)
                  (set! cc k)
                  (+ 1 2))))
;Value: 9

(+ 100 (cc 3))
;Value: 9

(+ 100 (cc 10))
;Value: 30

Throwing values using call/cc

要從一個計算過程中 esacpe,最簡單的方式是使用 call/cc。

ex: 從 tree 裡面搜尋 leaf 元素

(define (find-leaf obj tree)
    (lambda (cc)
       (letrec ((iter
                   (lambda (tree)
                        ((null?  tree) #f)
                        ((pair? tree)
                           (iter (car tree))
                           (iter (cdr tree)))
                          (if (eqv? obj tree)
                            (cc obj)))))))
         (iter tree)))))

(find-leaf 7 '(1 (2 3) 4 (5 (6 7))))
;Value: 7

(find-leaf 8 '(1 (2 3) 4 (5 (6 7))))
;Value: #f

ex: 支援 throw 的語法 block

(define-syntax block
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ tag e1 ...)
       (lambda (tag)
          e1 ...)))))

(block break
   (map (lambda (x)
           (if (positive? x)
           (sqrt x)
           (break x)))
    '(1 2 3)))
;Value: (1 1.4142135623730951 1.7320508075688772)

(block break
   (map (lambda (x)
           (if (positive? x)
           (sqrt x)
           (break x)))
    '(1 -2 3)))
;Value: -2


如何用 call/cc 實作一個 tree generator,該 generator 以一個 tree 為參數,回傳一個 function,每次呼叫後會傳回後續的 leaves。

(define (leaf-generator tree)
  (let ((return '()))     ; 定義 local 變數 return
    (letrec ((continue    ; 用 letrec 定義 continue。continue 會將 leaf 回傳,把 continue 設定給 continue 並停止
      (lambda ()
        (let rec ((tree tree))                                      ; 用 rec 定義 named let
          (cond                                                     ; 用 cond 實現分支
           ((null? tree) 'skip)                                     ; 如果是空的 list,就不處理
           ((pair? tree) (rec (car tree)) (rec (cdr tree)))         ; 如果是序對,遞迴地將 car, cdr 設定給 rec
           (else                                                    ; 如果是 leaf
            (call/cc (lambda (lap-to-go)                            ; 呼叫 call/cc 取得目前狀態 lap-to-go
                   (set! continue (lambda () (lap-to-go 'restart))) ; 將目前狀態賦值給 continue。除了原本的 continue,lap-to-go 也包含目前的狀態。呼叫 lap-to-go 就是 (car tree)
                   (return tree))))))                               ; 函數將找到的 leaf 返回到呼叫函數的地方
        (return '()))))                                             ; 搜尋後,找不到,回傳空 list
    (lambda ()                                                  ; 回傳 leaf-generator 的生成器
      (call/cc (lambda (where-to-go)                            ; 呼叫 call/cc
                 (set! return where-to-go)                      ; 將返回值的目前狀態,賦值給 return

(define tr '((1 2) (3 (4 5))))
(define p (leaf-generator tr))

;Value: 1

;Value: 2

;Value: 3

;Value: 4

;Value: 5

;Value: ()


因 continue 記錄了後續的計算過程,可用於多個工作同時執行的 coroutine

ex: 交替列印數字和字母

;;; abbreviation
(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)

;;; 實作 queue 的部分
(define (make-queue)
  (cons '() '()))

(define (enqueue! queue obj)
  (let ((lobj (list obj)))
    (if (null? (car queue))
    (set-car! queue lobj)
    (set-cdr! queue lobj))
    (set-cdr! (cdr queue) lobj)
    (set-cdr! queue lobj)))
    (car queue)))

(define (dequeue! queue)
  (let ((obj (car (car queue))))
    (set-car! queue (cdr (car queue)))

;;; 實作 coroutine
; 過程的queue
(define process-queue (make-queue))

; 在process-queue末尾添加thunk
(define (coroutine thunk)
  (enqueue! process-queue thunk))

; 取得process-queue的第一個過程並執行它
(define (start)
   ((dequeue! process-queue)))

; 將當前繼續添加到process-queue的末尾並執行隊列裡的第一個過程。這個函數將控制權交給另外一個coroutine。
(define (pause)
   (lambda (k)
     (coroutine (lambda () (k #f)))

;;; example 如何使用
(coroutine (lambda ()
       (let loop ((i 0))
         (if (< i 10)
         (display (1+ i))
         (display " ")
         (loop (1+ i)))))))

(coroutine (lambda ()
       (let loop ((i 0))
         (if (< i 10)
         (display (integer->char (+ i 97)))
         (display " ")
         (loop (1+ i)))))))


(load "coroutine.scm")

;Loading "test.scm"...
1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 8 h 9 i 10 j
;... done
;Unspecified return value

Lazy evaluation

Lazy evaluation 是在需要時才進行求值的計算方式。

R5RS中定義支援 lazy evaluation 的函數


最終的值通過對延時對象(promise)呼叫 force 計算出來。

  • (delay proc)


  • (promise? obj)

    如果obj是一個延時對象就返回 #t。

  • (force promise)


ex: 延時對象(promise)透過對(1 + 2) 呼叫 delay產生,然後透過函數force對延時對象求值。

force 沒有副作用 side effect,因此可以重複使用 laz

(define laz (delay (+ 1 2)))
;Value: laz

;Value 11: #[promise 11]

(promise? laz)
;Value: #t

(force laz)
;Value: 3

(* 10 (force laz))
;Value: 30

以 lazy evaluation 表示無窮數列

可用 lazy evaluation 來代表無窮數列。

無窮數列可用 cons cell () 處理,cons 部分透過強制求值 cdr 產生,可無限重複這個過程來產生無窮數列。

無窮數列的函數與 macro

lazy-map包含一個特殊delay構造用於lazy evaluation,所以它需要被定義為 macro

ex: 等差和等比數列分別被定義為(ari a0 d)(geo a0 r),其中a0dr分別是初始值,公差,公比。這些函數使用函數inf-seq定義。

;;;;  sequences

;;; infinite sequences represented by a_(n+1) = f(a_n)
(define (inf-seq a0 f)
  (lazy-cons a0 (inf-seq (f a0) f)))

;;; arithmetic sequence 等差數列
(define (ari a0 d)
  (inf-seq a0 (lambda (x) (+ x d))))

;;; geometric sequence 等比數列
(define (geo a0 r)
  (inf-seq a0 (lambda (x) (* x r))))

(define g1 (geo 1 2))
(head g1 10)
;Value 12: (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512)

(define g2 (geo 1 (/ 1 2)))

(head g2 10)
;Value 13: (1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 1/512)

(head (lazy-map * g1 g2) 10)
;Value 14: (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)

(define ar1 (ari 1 1))
;;Value: ar1

(head ar1 10)
;;Value 15: (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(head (lazy-filter even? ar1) 10)
;;Value 16: (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)

ex: 費伯納西數列

fib(1) = 1
fib(2) = 1
fib(n+1) = fib(n) + fib(n-1)

(define fib
  (lazy-cons 1
             (lazy-cons 1
                        (lazy-map + fib (lazy-cdr fib)))))

(head fib 20)
;Value 5: (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765)

(lazy-ref fib 100)

;Value: 573147844013817084101

ex: 牛頓法求平方根

a(n+1) =  (a(n) + N/a(n)) / 2

a =  (a +  N/a) / 2
      2a = a +  N/a
      a =  N/a
      a*a = N
      a =  √N

;;; Newton-Raphson method
(define (newton-raphson n)
  (inf-seq 1 (lambda (x) (/ (+ x (/ n x)) 2))))

;;; returning a reasonable answer.
;;; If the ratio of successive terms is in (1 - eps) and (1 + eps),
;;; or the following term is zero,
;;; the function returns it.
(define (lazylist->answer ls eps)
  (let ((e1 (- 1.0 eps))
        (e2 (+ 1.0 eps)))
    (let loop ((val (lazy-car ls))
               (ls1 (lazy-cdr ls)))
      (let ((val2 (lazy-car ls1)))
        (if  (or (zero? val2) (< e1 (/ val val2) e2))
            (exact->inexact val2)
          (loop val2 (lazy-cdr ls1)))))))

(define (my-sqrt n eps)
  (lazylist->answer (newton-raphson n) eps))

; 在相對誤差eps下,計算n的平方根
(my-sqrt 9 0.0000001)
; Value: 3.

Nondeterminism 不確定性

Nondeterminism 是一種透過定義問題來解決問題的方法。不確定性程式自動選擇符合條件的選項。這項技術很適合邏輯編程。

ex: 以下代碼返回一對數,其和是一個質數。其中一個數從'(4 6 7)選取,另一個從'(5 8 11)選取。

;;; abbreviation for call-with-current-continuation
(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)

;;; This function is re-assigned in `choose' and `fail' itself.
(define fail #f)

(define (prime? n)
  (let ((m (sqrt n)))
    (let loop ((i 2))
      (or (< m i)
          (and (not (zero? (modulo n i)))
               (loop (+ i (if (= i 2) 1 2))))))))

(define-syntax amb
   (lambda (exp env)
     (if (null? (cdr exp))
       `(let ((fail0 fail))
           (lambda (cc)
             (set! fail
                   (lambda ()
                     (set! fail fail0)
                     (cc (amb ,@(map (lambda (x)
                                       (make-syntactic-closure env '() x))
                                     (cddr exp))))))
             (cc ,(make-syntactic-closure env '() (second exp))))))))))

(let ((i (amb 4 6 7))
      (j (amb 5 8 11)))
  (if (prime? (+ i j))
      (list i j)

;Value 23: (6 5)

(amb 4 6 7) 從4,6和7中返回一個合適的數,(amb 5 8 11)從5,8和11中返回一個合適的數。如果沒有選出合適的值,(amb)返回假。

ex: 邏輯編程


貝蒂:“凱迪考第二,我只考了第三。” 艾賽爾:“你們應該高興地聽到我考了第一,瓊第二。” 瓊:“我考第三,可憐的艾賽爾考得最差。” 凱蒂:“我第二,瑪麗只考了第四。” 瑪麗:“我是第四,貝蒂的成績最高。”


;;;      Nondeterminsm usint macro amb
;;;      T.Shido
;;;      November 15, 2005

;;; abbreviation for call-with-current-continuation
(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)

;;; This function is re-assigned in `choose' and `fail' itself.
(define fail #f)

;;; nondeterminsm macro operator
(define-syntax amb
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) (fail))
    ((_ a) a)
    ((_ a b ...)
     (let ((fail0 fail))
    (lambda (cc)
      (set! fail
        (lambda ()
          (set! fail fail0)
          (cc (amb b ...))))
      (cc a)))))))

; for MIT-Scheme only
; use it if you don't like warning during compilation
; (define-syntax amb
;   (sc-macro-transformer
;    (lambda (exp env)
;      (if (null? (cdr exp))
;          `(fail)
;        `(let ((fail0 fail))
;           (call/cc
;            (lambda (cc)
;              (set! fail
;                    (lambda ()
;                      (set! fail fail0)
;                      (cc (amb ,@(map (lambda (x)
;                                        (make-syntactic-closure env '() x))
;                                      (cddr exp))))))
;              (cc ,(make-syntactic-closure env '() (second exp))))))))))

;;; function for nondeterminsm
; (define (choose . ls)
;   (if (null? ls)
;       (fail)
;     (let ((fail0 fail))
;       (call/cc
;        (lambda (cc)
;          (begin
;           (set! fail
;                 (lambda ()
;                   (set! fail fail0)
;                   (cc (apply choose (cdr ls)))))
;           (cc (car ls))))))))

;;; returning all possibilities
(define-syntax set-of
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ s)
      (let ((acc '()))
        (amb (let ((v s))
               (set! acc (cons v acc))
             (reverse! acc))))))

;;; if not pred backtrack
(define (assert pred)
  (or pred (amb)))

;;; returns arbitrary number larger or equal to n
(define (an-integer-starting-from n)
  (amb n (an-integer-starting-from (1+ n))))

;;; returns arbitrary number between a and b
(define (number-between a b)
  (let loop ((i a))
    (if (> i b)
      (amb i (loop (1+ i))))))

;;; small functions for SICP Exercise 4.42
(define (xor a b)
  (if a (not b) b))

(define (all-different? . ls)
  (let loop ((obj (car ls)) (ls (cdr ls)))
    (or (null? ls)
        (and (not (memv obj ls))
             (loop (car ls) (cdr ls))))))

;;; SICP Exercise 4.42
(define (girls-exam)
  (let ((kitty (number-between 1 5))
        (betty (number-between 1 5)))
    (assert (xor (= kitty 2) (= betty 3)))
    (let ((mary (number-between 1 5)))
      (assert (xor (= kitty 2) (= mary 4)))
      (assert (xor (= mary 4) (= betty 1)))
      (let ((ethel (number-between 1 5))
            (joan (number-between 1 5)))
        (assert (xor (= ethel 1) (= joan 2)))
        (assert (xor (= joan 3) (= ethel 5)))
        (assert (all-different? kitty betty ethel joan mary))
        (map list '(kitty betty ethel joan mary) (list kitty betty ethel joan mary))))))

;;; Bad answer for ex 4.42
(define (girls-exam-x)
  (let ((kitty (number-between 1 5))
        (betty (number-between 1 5))
        (mary (number-between 1 5))
        (ethel (number-between 1 5))
        (joan (number-between 1 5)))
    (assert (xor (= kitty 2) (= betty 3)))
    (assert (xor (= kitty 2) (= mary 4)))
    (assert (xor (= mary 4) (= betty 1)))
    (assert (xor (= ethel 1) (= joan 2)))
    (assert (xor (= joan 3) (= ethel 5)))
    (assert (all-different? kitty betty ethel joan mary))
    (map list '(kitty betty ethel joan mary) (list kitty betty ethel joan mary))))

;;; to show cpu time
(define-syntax cpu-time/sec
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ s)
     (lambda () s)
       (lambda (run-time gc-time real-time)
     (write (internal-time/ticks->seconds run-time))
     (write-char #\space)
     (write (internal-time/ticks->seconds gc-time))
     (write-char #\space)
     (write (internal-time/ticks->seconds real-time))

;;; initializing fail
 (lambda (cc)
   (set! fail
         (lambda ()
           (cc 'no-choise)))))

(cpu-time/sec (girls-exam))
.01 0. .021
;Value 2: ((kitty 1) (betty 3) (ethel 5) (joan 2) (mary 4))

(cpu-time/sec (girls-exam-x))
.13 0. .203
;Value 3: ((kitty 1) (betty 3) (ethel 5) (joan 2) (mary 4))


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