
Play JSON library

Scala Play 支援自己實作的 play.api.libs.json JSON Lirary


  • JsValue: trait 代表任意一種 JSON value,以下這些是 extend JsValue 的 case classes

  1. JsString
  2. JsNumber
  3. JsBoolean
  4. JsObject
  5. JsArray
  6. JsNull

  • Json
    提供 utilties,轉換 JsValue

  • JsPath
    代表 JsValue 資料結構中的 path,類似 XML 的 XPath,可使用 pattern 在 JsValue 中進行 data traversal

Converting to a JsValue

  • 以 json String 直接 parsing 並轉換

import play.api.libs.json._

val json: JsValue = Json.parse("""
  "name" : "Watership Down",
  "location" : {
    "lat" : 51.235685,
    "long" : -1.309197
  "residents" : [ {
    "name" : "Fiver",
    "age" : 4,
    "role" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "Bigwig",
    "age" : 6,
    "role" : "Owsla"
  } ]

直接將上面的 code ,在 activator console 中進行測試,就可以得到測試結果

scala> json
res0: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = {"name":"Watership Down","location":{"lat":51.235685,"long":-1.309197},"residents":[{"name":"Fiver","age":4,"role":null},{"name":"Bigwig","age":6,"role":"Owsla"}]}

  • 以 class 的方式建立 JsValue

import play.api.libs.json._

val json: JsValue = JsObject(Seq(
  "name" -> JsString("Watership Down"),
  "location" -> JsObject(Seq("lat" -> JsNumber(51.235685), "long" -> JsNumber(-1.309197))),
  "residents" -> JsArray(Seq(
      "name" -> JsString("Fiver"),
      "age" -> JsNumber(4),
      "role" -> JsNull
      "name" -> JsString("Bigwig"),
      "age" -> JsNumber(6),
      "role" -> JsString("Owsla")

使用 Writes converters

scala converting to a JsValue 是以 Json.toJsonT(implicit writes: Writes[T]) 進行轉換的,這需要 Writes 物件的幫忙。Play JSON API 提供了一個 implicit Writes 物件,可以轉換 Int, Double, String, Boolean ...,同時也支援 collections

import play.api.libs.json._

// basic types
val jsonString = Json.toJson("Fiver")
val jsonNumber = Json.toJson(4)
val jsonBoolean = Json.toJson(false)

// collections of basic types
val jsonArrayOfInts = Json.toJson(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4))
val jsonArrayOfStrings = Json.toJson(List("Fiver", "Bigwig"))

如果要轉換自己的資料物件類別,就須要提供一個 implicit Writes converter

case class Location(lat: Double, long: Double)
case class Resident(name: String, age: Int, role: Option[String])
case class Place(name: String, location: Location, residents: Seq[Resident])

import play.api.libs.json._

implicit val locationWrites = new Writes[Location] {
  def writes(location: Location) = Json.obj(
    "lat" -> location.lat,
    "long" -> location.long

implicit val residentWrites = new Writes[Resident] {
  def writes(resident: Resident) = Json.obj(
    "name" -> resident.name,
    "age" -> resident.age,
    "role" -> resident.role

implicit val placeWrites = new Writes[Place] {
  def writes(place: Place) = Json.obj(
    "name" -> place.name,
    "location" -> place.location,
    "residents" -> place.residents)

val place = Place(
  "Watership Down",
  Location(51.235685, -1.309197),
    Resident("Fiver", 4, None),
    Resident("Bigwig", 6, Some("Owsla"))

val json = Json.toJson(place)

也可以使用 combinator pattern

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

implicit val locationWrites: Writes[Location] = (
  (JsPath \ "lat").write[Double] and
  (JsPath \ "long").write[Double]

implicit val residentWrites: Writes[Resident] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").write[String] and
  (JsPath \ "age").write[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "role").writeNullable[String]

implicit val placeWrites: Writes[Place] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").write[String] and
  (JsPath \ "location").write[Location] and
  (JsPath \ "residents").write[Seq[Resident]]

Traversing a JsValue structure

可以 traverse JsValue 並取得特定的資料欄位,這就類似 Scala XML processing

  • Simple Path \

val lat = (json \ "location" \ "lat").get
// returns JsNumber(51.235685)

  • Recursive path \

val names = json \\ "name"
// returns Seq(JsString("Watership Down"), JsString("Fiver"), JsString("Bigwig"))

  • Index lookup (針對 JsArrays)

val bigwig = (json \ "residents")(1)
// returns {"name":"Bigwig","age":6,"role":"Owsla"}

Converting from a JsValue

  • 使用 String utilities

val minifiedString: String = Json.stringify(json)


val readableString: String = Json.prettyPrint(json)

  • 使用 JsValue.as/asOpt

將 JsValue 轉換為其他資料類別的方式,最簡單的方式就是用 JsValue.asT: T ,但這個方式需要用到一個 implicit converter: Reads[T]

val name = (json \ "name").as[String]
// "Watership Down"

val names = (json \\ "name").map(_.as[String])
// Seq("Watership Down", "Fiver", "Bigwig")

但是 as 可能會產生 JsResultException,所以比較好的方式,應該是改用 JsValue.asOptT: Option[T]

val nameOption = (json \ "name").asOpt[String]
// Some("Watership Down")

val bogusOption = (json \ "bogus").asOpt[String]
// None

  • 使用 validation

會產生兩種 JsResult

  1. JsSuccess: validation/convertion 成功
  2. JsError: validation/conversion 失敗

val json = { ... }

val nameResult: JsResult[String] = (json \ "name").validate[String]

// Pattern matching
nameResult match {
  case s: JsSuccess[String] => println("Name: " + s.get)
  case e: JsError => println("Errors: " + JsError.toJson(e).toString())

// Fallback value
val nameOrFallback = nameResult.getOrElse("Undefined")

// map
val nameUpperResult: JsResult[String] = nameResult.map(_.toUpperCase())

// fold
val nameOption: Option[String] = nameResult.fold(
  invalid = {
    fieldErrors => fieldErrors.foreach(x => {
      println("field: " + x._1 + ", errors: " + x._2)
  valid = {
    name => Some(name)

  • JsValue 轉換成 data model

case class Location(lat: Double, long: Double)
case class Resident(name: String, age: Int, role: Option[String])
case class Place(name: String, location: Location, residents: Seq[Resident])

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

implicit val locationReads: Reads[Location] = (
  (JsPath \ "lat").read[Double] and
  (JsPath \ "long").read[Double]
)(Location.apply _)

implicit val residentReads: Reads[Resident] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath \ "age").read[Int] and
  (JsPath \ "role").readNullable[String]
)(Resident.apply _)

implicit val placeReads: Reads[Place] = (
  (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath \ "location").read[Location] and
  (JsPath \ "residents").read[Seq[Resident]]
)(Place.apply _)

val json = { ... }

val placeResult: JsResult[Place] = json.validate[Place]
// JsSuccess(Place(...),)

val residentResult: JsResult[Resident] = (json \ "residents")(1).validate[Resident]
// JsSuccess(Resident(Bigwig,6,Some(Owsla)),)


Scala Json in Play


